About me!
My name is Samuel, I was born in Mexico and I live in Albuquerque , NM, United States.
I started in photography in 2012, as a hobby, just to explore the camera I had bought, never dreaming that it would become a passion and that one day it would be my profession.
Being able to dedicate myself to photography has been one of the greatest blessings that life could offer me, it not only helped me to overcome myself, but also allowed me to have the opportunity to meet many special people and to whom I have enormous affection and gratitude. My mission as a photographer is to make my models feel special, tell them how beautiful they are, that they can see the best of themselves, and of course, take care of their memories as if they were mine; For this reason, I take special care in the planning, creation and editing processes, so that in the end it is a unique result.
The most beautiful part of being a photographer is receiving so much love and friendship from my clients every day, many of them I have known for years, who call me with emotion for their photos, and also from new clients who arrive because someone spoke to them. of their experience with me or they saw my work and they loved it. It's really incredible all the support they give me and that is what motivates me to constantly offer them new things.
I dedicate myself to family sessions, maternity , children, birthdays, graduations, business portraits, Weddings and Quinceañeras.
Being a photographer is a great responsibility but it is really beautiful and exciting. And above all I like to create memories that last a lifetime!
Contact Me
T- 505-288-9072